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Bless Your Heart

In the little town of Blowing Rock, there is a shop called Bless Your Heart. The woman who owns it is named Sherri. I do not know her well, but I see her all around town, and she exudes that blessing everywhere she goes. The young women who work in the shop are also full of blessings, so it is just delightful to shop there, or even just to be near it!

Last year Sherri started giving anyone who walked by the chance to be a blessing or give a blessing or ask for a blessing! She created a prayer/blessing tree. Every morning the shop attendants bring out fresh cards, covered in plastic for rainy days like today, and pens as well as a bowl full of blessings for people to take. You write your prayer or your blessing on the card and tie it to the tree, and then you take a blessing out of the bowl, a little love for the day.

I added a prayer to the tree the other day for my beloved sister in Christ Terry. And the blessing I picked up was to find Joy in all things. Of course, that describes Terry beautifully because that's how she glorifies God!!!

Thanks be to God for the Bless Your Heart store, for Sherri and Terry and all of us who love, need love, and spread love.

I wonder where the next blessing tree will pop up!

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