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Love in the Time of Coronavirus

Psalm 137:4

How shall we sing the Lord's song upon an alien soil?

In 1997 when I went on a pilgrimage to Ireland, part of our preparation was to find a question to take with us and search for answers to as we journeyed. This question above was the one I chose. One of my beloved mentors, Frank Vest, had referenced it in a sermon right before I left, and I knew that was the question I needed to reflect on. Little did I know how necessary it would be for the rest of my life.

We are all on alien soil now, facing the first pandemic in 100 years. We are in exile in a strange land, in prison in some ways.

We are all scrambling to discover and rediscover any survival skills we might have had or never had. There are no manuals, no quick fixes, no medicines.

As the Beatles said, "All you need is Love."

Love in the time of Coronavirus can have many faces.

In our family, the birth of Helen Hall last Tuesday is one face of Love I share with you today. Here are her brothers William and Lane looking into her eyes for the first time. I am reminded of Mary looking into the eyes of her Baby Jesus for the first time.

Where do you see Love in the time of Coronavirus? Look and share your pictures today.

It might sound a bit like Pollyanna, but it also might be the only way to go forward in this chaotic time!

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