What does God see in you?
I am finding many answers to my Advent questions in Richard Rohr's daily meditations which are published by the Center for Action and Contemplation. I highly recommend these emails if you are on a quest for "more and better" God experience. Advent is the perfect time for that quest.
...so in his meditation this morning entitled "Everything Belongs: You Belong," Rohr said something that made me really perk up.
Remember we have been asking "What am I waiting for? How will I know when I find it?" thinking about Advent and the birth of the Christ Child and the Second Coming of Christ. "How will this Advent be different from all others? How will Christ be born in me again for the first time?" Another question that occurred to me is "How can I see Christ in all people?" regardless of where, who, why, what, how or any other difference there might be between me and them..
When I read the following words of Rohr's I almost said "Bingo!" aloud...
When God looks at us, God can only see “Christ” in us. Yet it’s hard—for us!—to be naked and vulnerable and allow ourselves to be seen so deeply. It is hard to simply receive God’s loving and all-accepting gaze. We feel unworthy and ashamed. The very essence of all faith is to trust the gaze and then complete the circuit of mutual friendship.
There it is!
Can I have a "Bingo?"
I must see Christ in all people because (drum roll) God sees Christ in me! Yes God does, God really does...in me and you and ALL of us. That's what it means to be created in God's image, and that's what the Incarnation means...God became Man to come among us and teach us how to love and now we are the face and the hands and the feet of Christ in this world...every single one of us.
and as Meister Eckhart says, “The eye with which I see God is the same one with which God sees me. My eye and God’s eye are one eye, and one sight, and one knowledge, and one love.” [1]
Yes, God does...God really does!
[1] Johannes Eckhart, Meister Eckhart’s Sermons, Sermon IV, “True Hearing,” http://www.ccel.org/ccel/eckhart/sermons.vii.html, 32-33.