The Glorious Impossible
"And so he was born, this gloriously impossible baby, in a stable in Bethlehem...Holding the child in her arms, rocking, singing, Mary wondered what was going to happen to him, this sweet innocent creature who had been conceived by the incredible love of God and who had been born as all human babies are born. God, come to be one of us."
~The Glorious Impossible by Madeleine L'Engle.
Of all my Christmas books, this one is my favorite. Inspired by Giotto's glorious frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, Madeleine L'Engle has written beautiful narratives illuminating the life of Christ and giving voice to the miracle of God's Love.
She tells the stories from the Annunciation to Pentecost with clarity and cleverness, reminding us that the Incarnation is only a piece of the whole story.
And so this day, I pray that the world might be turned on its axis by the power of this Great Love...that we might all feel the presence of the One True Love in our hearts and from this day forward, go home by another way just as the wise men did.
Merry Christmas my friends!