A New Creation
So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! 2 Corinthians 5.17
As we mourn a world without our recently deceased loved ones, we are reminded this morning in the lectionary reading from 2 Corinthians of the new creation that comes as the old has passed away. This is our promise if anyone is in Christ. And how do we know if "anyone is in Christ?"
I am reminded of the beautiful hymn "They will know we are Christians by our love," and that is how you know one is in Christ.
As friends and family mourn the death of our dear friend Reuben, we know without a doubt that he was in Christ, and thus we can rest assured that he has become new. Just as Reuben took dead trees and turned them into bowls and platters and trees, so he has been turned into something new. We can rejoice at his entrance into life eternal.
Yesterday as I sat in shock at the news of his death, this gorgeous piece of a rainbow showed up and in it I heard the message, "I am fully restored, see, everything has become new."
