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Be the Light

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Matthew 5. 16

I was sad to see that Phil Donahue had died. Though I was never much of a tv watcher, when I heard things he said and people he was interviewing, I always thought he was a good man. He had a gentle demeanor and a sharp mind and never seemed afraid to tell the truth. In a recent article about him, I read that at one point in his early career he worked for a media source whose motto was "Be the Light so other people can see their way." I have searched for that article, but to no avail. So I may not be quoting it exactly, but I cannot forget this line. The article went on to say that Donahue never forgot that motto and took it on as his own, which seemed to be very true imho.

Thinking about the quote from Matthew above, I think I like Be the Light better...not so other people can see your good works, but so they can see their good works. That seems to be more like what Jesus would do!!!



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