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Isaiah and Advent

Fresco painted by Michelangelo and his assistants for the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican between 1508 to 1512.

In a bible study yesterday, we discussed the power of the book of Isaiah, and I commented that I could spend all of Advent just reading, marking and inwardly digesting this extraordinary prophet and his writings. Then this morning, I received an email which suggested doing exactly that! Old Testament professor Carmen Imes says,

It’s fitting that we should spend this Advent with Isaiah, a prophet who addressed a kingdom fraught with violence. He understands Advent, waiting. His nation was on the cusp of exile, with the possibility of war looming on the horizon. He named Judah’s failures and called them to repentance, offering hope on the other side.

and so we will. Join me as we reflect with Dr. Imes on the power of the prophecy of the writers of Isaiah, reading between the lines to ponder the book's message to us in our world today. It is my prayer that "through Scripture passages, music, visual art, and poetry we will challenge each other to open our hearts and lives to the Christ of Christmas."

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