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Liberators and Prophets

On this day in our church calendar, we remember several strong women who openly challenged teachings by the Church, as well as societal norms that were used during the 1800s and early 1900s to oppress and subordinate women and enslaved African-Americans.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1902; Amelia Bloomer, 1894; Sojourner Truth, 1883; and Harriet Ross Tubman, 1913 were voices against oppression and injustice, paving the way for the civil rights movement in this country.

In a note to her friend,Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton said:

“Do not feel depressed, my dear friend, what is good in us is immortal, and if the sore trials

we have endured are sifting out pride and selfishness, we shall not have suffered in vain.”

Shortly before she died in New York City, on October 26, 1902, Elizabeth said:

“My only regret is that I have not been braver and bolder and truer in the honest conviction

of my soul.”

Also notable this day is our OT reading from 1 Samuel which continues the beautiful story of Jonathan and David, their love for each other and their commitment to each other, so deep and so abiding that David says, “The Lord shall be between me and you, and between my descendants and your descendants, for ever.”’

Finally it is fitting that on this day, my church will release its decision about whether or not we will go forward remembering and honoring the path laid ahead of us by the liberators and prophets like Elizabeth and Harriet and Jonathan and David, reminding us of part of our baptismal covenant in which we vow to respect the dignity of every human being. Whatever the decision, however, my greatest prayer is that we will all stand by our vow to respect the dignity of every human being

...Dear God let there be peace in our time.


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