Longing for Light
Though I only have what my eye doctor calls "baby cataracts," I need extra light to read. I am always looking for a way to pull a lamp closer or pulling myself closer to a light source. There is no better time to long for light than the shortest day/longest night of the year because it is all up hill from here! Though only surgery will help me with my need for light, my journey through this season of Light will fill me with Living Light, just like the Living Water the woman at the well found.
Mary's song the Magnificat reminds us of other darknesses...those of injustice, terror, hatred and fear, also reminding us of how God has assuaged those darknesses exalting the humble and meek and filling the hungry with good things.
From now on as I pull lamps closer to myself, I hope I can remember the Living Light, the birth of which we will celebrate in just a few days. And to take it a step further, perhaps we can all ponder ways to be the Living Light for others...just think of ourselves as gooseneck lamps helping others see.