My Crag
I love you, O Lord my strength, * O Lord my stronghold, my crag, and my haven. Psalm 18. 1
We recently acquired a collection of photos of a friend's trip to the Matterhorn. She and her husband climbed the majestic peak together at the age of 40 or 50 or so. The pictures are extraordinary, as you can imagine especially if you have ever been to Zermatt, Switzerland and seen that pyramidal peak that soars above the small Swiss village. When I read this psalm appointed for today and reflected on God as my crag, I was reminded of one of the photos... God as the rock face to which I cling as I struggle up and to overcome the steep challenges in life.
May this image bring you comfort today, reminding us all of God's stronghold and haven even as we cling to the side of the mountains in our path.

photo credit unknown