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Old and gray-headed...

Psalm 71

And now that I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not forsake me till I make known your strength to this generation and your power to all who are to come.

Sometimes the psalms make me so mad. They seem to be full of "woe is me" and vengeance and angst. And yet, they sound so familiar, so much like what it means to be a real human being! The one appointed for today is a perfect example.

In it the psalmist prays for refuge, for comfort and protection. He gives thanks for God's presence in his life since he was in his mother's womb. And he complains about his enemies, even asking God to punish them for their transgressions! All sounds very familiar.

But the line from above is one of my favorites, particularly at this time in my life. Becoming old and gray-headed is daunting and a bit confusing. But just like a real person, the psalmist says please don't forsake me even though I am at this point in my life...I still have work to do for you, I still need to spread the word of your power and your strength, I will still sing your praises and your joy, "proclaiming your righteousness all day long!"

Even the gray-headed have a place in God's kingdom, and that is great good news!


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