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Please get in our boats with us, Jesus.

Then he got into the boat with them and the wind ceased. Mark 6. 45-52

As many of you know, I follow the Pray as You Go app each day (link below), and the readings are a little different from our Daily Office readings. But it always seems to be something I need to hear. This morning it was Mark's story about Jesus walking on the water. Mark depicts Jesus as a caretaker in this story...he gets the disciples in the boat and off to their next destination, he stays behind with the crowd to make sure they are on their way, and then he goes up the mountain to pray...even taking care of himself. Yet, even on the mountain in prayer, he notices that the disciples "were straining at their oars," and so he walked towards them even on the water. Though they were terrified, Jesus got into the boat with them and said, "Take heart. It is I. Do not be afraid." And the wind ceased.

Today this story caught my attention in a different way. As I pray for those I love who struggle this day, I asked Jesus to walk out to them even on the water, get in their boats with them and calm their storms. And most of all soften their hearts and take their fear away.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Artist Unknown


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