Practicing Resurrection
‘Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?’ Mark 6. 1 - 8
As we are told, early on the first day of the week, the women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body. On their way they wondered who would roll away the stone, knowing that the massive boulder blocking the entrance to Jesus' tomb would be impossible for them to move.
Likewise I wonder...who will help me roll away whatever massive thing stands in the way of my vision of the empty tomb, my ability to practice resurrection? Before I can begin to embrace the empty tomb, I must identify the obstacles that keeps me from fully accepting the meaning of the Risen Christ. What blocks my vision, jades my perspective, hinders my understanding, taints my thoughts?
And so I begin to practice resurrection today, watching for signs of the Risen Christ and casting off whatever stands in the way of seeing those signs. Will you join me?