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Practicing Resurrection - Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. John 14. 18. - 31

I meet regularly with a group of young people whose minds and hearts are set on the rules of Christianity. And even in this season of Easter, they do not talk about the Joy of the Resurrection of Christ, but instead they focus on passages that tell us how we must behave in order to be loved by God. They present Christianity as a club to be joined rather than a way of love and being in Beloved Community.

In the passage from John's gospel appointed for today, we are reminded of the extraordinary nature of God's peace and its lack of boundaries and qualifications, unlike the peace the world offers.

This beautiful song by the Choir of Royal Holloway, written by George Arthur reminds us that regardless of how far away we are from God's Peace, God meets us in Jesus Christ and brings us home. "When we were still far off/ You met us in your Son/ Met us in your Son/And brought us home. " I hope you have 5 minutes to pause and enjoy this gorgeous music.

Peace I leave with you.


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