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Practicing Resurrection - Peace

John 14:27-31

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

This gift of peace from Jesus begs understanding. It is not the peace as the world gives. It is not freedom from discord or debt, from betrayal or physical pain. It is a peace that brings freedom from a troubled heart and fear. Regardless of the circumstances, the Peace of God that passes all understanding protects our hearts and our souls from desperation despite the circumstances.

Where in your life do you need this peace? What situations are calling out for this kind of peace? and how can you be a channel for this peace?

Look around in this season of resurrection for images of this peace...places where what once was lost is now found, was dead is now alive. May the God of amazing grace fill you with God's peace today and always.


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