Prayer for God's Help
After my thoughts yesterday about living righteously in response to God's love, Pastor Steve's email popped up with the perfect prayer. I hope it speaks to you. You can listen to Pastor Steve and receive his emails by clicking the link below. His prayers always speak volumes.
Dearly Beloved, Grace and Peace to you.
Infinite Love, you who love me into being each moment, let me this day flow freely with that love, for it is not my love I give but yours. I seek in all and above all to love, to appreciate, to forgive, to encourage, to comfort, to thank, to assist, to bless. May I choose to be loving rather than to be right, to be gentle rather than tough, to be curious rather than judging, to meet all with reverence and humility and delight. And with those whom I cannot love easily, let me hold and protect with all my being room for you to love them, even through me. O Spirit of Love, you who love me infinitely and perfectly, breathe your love in me. Deep Blessings, Pastor Steve Steve Garnaas-Holmes Unfolding Light
