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Reaching for Healing

She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28 for she said, “If I but touch his cloak, I will be made well.” Mark 5. 21 - 34

Without going into all the details of this woman's malady, you can imagine how difficult her life had been for 10 years in her condition. When she heard about the Healer, she made her way into the crowd, despite what plagued her, and reached so that she could at least touch his cloak. And when she did, "Immediately her flow of blood stopped, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease."

In her book Tarry Awhile, Selina Stone writes, "this story is as much about this woman's determination as it is about the power of Jesus. Healing does not fall into her lap; it is passing by and she has to literally be ready to grab it."

Are there times when I have missed an opportunity for healing and transformation, when I have not grabbed the opportunities? Today I pray for the courage to tarry awhile so that I don't miss those opportunities and when they come to grab them!

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