Seasons Come and Go, but Some Things Never Change
Psalm 72
He shall live as long as the sun and moon endure, *
from one generation to another.
Seasons are changing all around us. In my part of the world, the change is vibrantly visible as the electric colored leaves light up the day, and then slowly fall, leaving the trees bare even dead looking. In other parts of the world,

vegetation that has waited for the heat to subside begins to grow with strength and beauty. In some places, the season change brings a reprieve from the heat and in others it brings frigid temperatures that trap people inside. The landscape changes drastically in most places as the season changes, and yet we know that is the necessary way for Spring to bring new life. In fact, as Richard Rohr says in his meditation today, "It seems that the universal law is that something must always die for something else to live.
As a world where five million people have died of COVID, we are all deeply thankful that the season of pandemic is waning. Perhaps we will never be free from it, but at least the numbers are better and more and more people are vaccinated. Masks may never go away, and (I hope) we will never stop washing our hands carefully, but we are able to see each other and come out of our quarantine. (It reminds me a bit of when the munchkins come out in Oz after the wicked witch has been killed!) And yet, as we come out of the season of pandemic, what have we learned that will enable us to live in a new and different way.
The psalm appointed for today reminds me that there is something very consistent in Creation that is not seasonal, however, and it endures regardless of time of year or condition of humanity...the sun and the moon endure as does God's love for us. Give yourself some time to pause today, and lift your heart to God in thanksgiving for the sun and the moon and for God's abiding love. Regardless of what seasonal changes we are going through, our Lifeline in Creation holds us tightly in the palm of his hand.