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Waiting for...

This beautiful song, a medley of tunes and lyrics of favorite Advent carols, gives me much to ponder this morning. There are many suggestions for what this Advent season of waiting is all about:


the rising of the morning under cover of darkness,

the joy of a sunrise,

finding rest in the long expected Jesus,

the joy of longing hearts,

and finally "close your eyes and wait one more hour."

What a hopefully peaceful way to start the second week of Advent.

Enjoy, my friends.

About the Music:

“Advent Suite: Stand Still and Wait, Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, O Come Emmanuel”

from the album Carolsinger


Stand still and wait for the night to pass over

Under cover of darkness the morning will rise

From the east comes the hope and it's wrapped up in sunrise

So rest, close your eyes, and wait one more hour

Our joy has come in through the sky

Come thou long expected Jesus

Born to set thy people free

From our fears and sins release us

Let us find our rest in thee

Israel's strength and consolation

Hope of all the earth thou art

Dear desire of every nation

Joy of every longing heart

Born thy people to deliver

Born a child and yet a king

Born to reign in us forever


Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel

Shall come to thee o’ Israel

So rest, close your eyes, and wait one more hour

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