Watch For the Light
Another gem in my Advent library is the anthology Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas. Published in 2001, it might be called an "oldie but goodie," filled with wisdom from writers and thinkers and theologians throughout the ages.
The reading appointed for today is by Bernard of Clairvaux entitled "In Defense of Humility. " Bernard was a French monastic, reformer and mystic who lived from 1090 - 1153, and yet out of his writing for today, I learned of the most essential of prayers for Advent..."Let it be to me."
In his discussion of the virtue of humility, Bernard describes the divine humility of Mary, mother of God when she declares herself to be his handmaid "even when so great an honor is given to her, she does not forget to be humble."
As Mary said, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."
"Let it be to me" is a beautiful way to pray this Advent. Let the Word, God become flesh, the second Advent, the promised coming of God's kingdom on earth, be born in me this season. Let the advent of the New Jerusalem be visible in me as "I wonder as I wander" through this Advent.
"Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me."
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