Who are the Little Ones?
So it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones should be lost.
Today is World Refugee Day, and isn't it fitting that the gospel appointed for today is this passage from Matthew. It was my great privilege to begin working with refugees to this country in the fall of 1979. This picture is one of my very favorites from our class of Cambodian, Laotian, Hmong, Vietnamese and Thai refugee children who had just arrived in the United States from refugee camps. The adults are the teachers with whom I shared the joy of teaching these little ones about safety, hope and Love. We taught them many things, and they taught us as well. The picture behind them is of a rainbow which they made as we learned the song below. We never spoke about God or Jesus, we just showed them what Divine Love looks like. Ultimately it was in the eyes of one of these children Orch Him, second row from the bottom far right, that I saw the face of Jesus.
On this day, I remember all the refugee families I have had the privilege of knowing...the Piric's, the Alijagic's, and the Pierre's especially. My life will never be the same because of you.