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"Who is Jesus?"

Right with God

George MacDonald

To be right with God is to be right with the universe; one with the power, the love, the will of the mighty Father, the cherisher of joy, the Lord of laughter, whose are all glories, all hopes, who loves everything, and hates nothing but selfishness, which he will not have in his kingdom.

As I said I would yesterday, I inquired of one of the little people in my world "Who is Jesus?" and William age 5 said, "He is the one that died on the cross. He takes care of the universe." Thus when I read George MacDonald's words this morning, I was reminded of the profundity of William's words...Jesus takes care of the universe by teaching us to be "right with God" and thus "right with the universe and one with the power, the love, the will of the mighty Father" and so on.

Out of the mouths of babes...

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