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Writing as Prayer

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”—E.L. Doctorow

I discovered decades ago that writing down my thoughts and prayers worked for me. Whether it was lists of people I loved and cared for for whom I was praying or behavior modifications I needed or inspiration and peace I was in search of. And so I wrote and wrote and wrote. About eight years ago, a friend suggested I start this blog, and though I don't really know how to manage it, I still write! And you all are kind enough to read it; whether or not it makes any sense I do not know. But I do know that it helps my peace of mind to share thoughts here (and hear your thoughts!)...not to mention in the myriad of journals lying around my house.

When I found this quote from the great writer E.L. Doctorow, I thought "Bingo!" That's how I feel about my writing. Sort of like the monkey that was given the typewriter and wrote, "To be or not to be, that is the !@#$%^&**()___"

But the moral to this little blurb is "WRITE." it really helps to articulate your thoughts and prayers and move you forward to that place of peace that passes all understanding and to love and serve the Lord with gladness and singleness of heart!!!

The journalist Red Smith said, "Writing is easy, just open a vein and bleed!"


Catherine Keyser
Catherine Keyser
Jun 18, 2024

Perfect reminder to face the tyranny of the blank page, the surprising words that shock as they are revealed letter by letter. Feelings and thoughts grey and unclear now lie in stark black and white. They stare back, emotions so big thoughts so deep reduced to language. Made smaller and clearer with words. Powerful glorious words.

Thank you.

Jun 18, 2024
Replying to

Ah yes..."the tyranny of the blank page" perfect description. and thoughts "reduced" to language is also appropriate! thank you. ❤️

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