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"You are the woman."

"Nathan said to David, 'You are the man!'" 2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a

In a class recently, I heard myself say, "I don't ever want to read this story again," as we discussed the despicable act of David regarding Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite. I marvel at the brilliance of Nathan as he carefully tells a story about a poor man who is betrayed by a rich man, kindling David's anger towards the rich man, and then Nathan's immortal response: "You are the man."

But as I read the story again this morning, I heard Nathan's accusation differently...You are the woman, I heard, and the story took on new meaning. And also... adding even another layer to it, I might say, "Owene, you are the woman." Wow. Where have I not seen my actions clearly, been subversive in my behavior, been consciously or unconsciously mean or unkind? And also, where has my behavior been exposed to me and drawn me into a deeper relationship with God, as it did with David, leading me to be more faithful and committed to beloved community.

Oh my how valuable the living words of Scripture are...we can read them over and over and hear the voice of God in a new and different way every time. What do you hear as you read this story this day?

Marc Chagall, David and Bathsheba, 1956


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