Advent Waiting...
Of the glorious Body telling, O my tongue, its mysteries sing, and the Blood, all price excelling, which the world's eternal King, in a noble womb once dwelling shed for the world's ransoming.
On this day in 1966, I was confirmed into the Church of England by Bishop Edmund Morgan in Truro Cathedral in Cornwall, England.(See above)

The inscription below is in a dear little Common Prayer Hymns A&M prayer book given to me by Wing Commander and Mrs. J. F. G. Bowring. The Order of Confirmation next to it is the liturgy that was used for the confirmation. I was presented by my priest, Father John Jenkins, along with 20 or so other young people from around Truro. It was a short service, and there was no communion. It was on a Saturday, and we were authorized after the service to return to our home parishes and receive communion there, our first ever since confirmation used to be the ticket for communion. Somehow the next place we worshiped as a family was Canterbury Cathedral, and that is where I took communion for the first time.
I have never forgotten this date for many reasons. One because my father always reminded me it was a sad date for him because it was the date his father had died. Another reason, though, was because before I began the confirmation classes, I had been drawn to the Roman Catholic church and had to decide which way to go. At the age of 10 and the oldest of five children, the youngest of whom was three, I was advised to do what I was told and be confirmed in the Church of England.
So on this day, I am reflecting about what I said "I do" to at Truro Cathedral and more than that, what God had planned for my life. I certainly had no idea that day what God was and would be calling me to do. And still today I wonder...all part of my Advent Waiting.

Five little Webers on the day of big sister's confirmation.