Nov 15, 2016
"Creation is the Primary Cathedral"
I have seen God in creation many times in many places...last night, for example as that remarkable moon, closer to the earth than it has...

Feb 15, 2016
A good lesson
As a Lenten discipline, I am following a guide for writing a note/letter a day...each day to a person who has touched my life in various...

Feb 14, 2016
St. Valentine
Happy Valentine's Day...a heart filled day and a feast day if we are observing Lent. (The forty days and forty nights of Lent do not...

Feb 12, 2016
Astronomy has grown ears; can you hear God?
https://news.yahoo.com/einsteins-gravitational-waves-detected-scientific-milestone-153535473.html According to several very accomplished...

Feb 9, 2016
A Rule of Life
Mardi Gras!!! Today and tonight there will be great revelry all around the world as Christians literally and figuratively devour all the...

Feb 1, 2016
St. Brigid and Pilgrims
"Bridget (Brigid, Bride, Bridey, or in Welsh, Ffraid) of Kildare was born around 450 into a Druid family, being the daughter of...
Feb 1, 2016
Massaging the Soul
There is a poet out there whose words are as strong and corrective as the hands of a masseuse. His name is David Whyte, and if you do not...