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The Universal Christ: The Outpouring of God!

The Universal Christ:

How a Forgotten Reality can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe

By Richard Rohr

If you have ever heard Richard Rohr speak, this book will flow like water for you; it is the epitome of his theology of the magnificence of God the Three in One. If you have not heard him speak, you will feel as though you have when you finish reading this one. And if you have never read anything by him, I highly recommend curling up with a pen and a cup of tea and wallowing in the beauty of his message in this book.

In his book The Universal Christ, Rohr makes a clear case for the “ubiquitous and eternal” revelation of the Risen Christ as clearly affirmed in the Scriptures and exhibited with euphoria in the early church, but somewhat diminished since the Great Schism between the Eastern and Western Church. It is a Truth which Rohr suggests must be revived because it will transform “the way you see and the way you live in your everyday world.” By understanding the Incarnation as “everything visible, without exception…the outpouring of God” Rohr says his seeing has been reframed, reenergized, and broadened. And in his inimitable way, he says,

“I believe this vision has the power to radically alter what we believe, how we see others and relate to them, our sense of how big God might be, and our understanding of what the Creator is doing in our world. Does that sound like too much to hope for? Who wouldn’t want to experience such things?”

If you are interested in challenging yourself to learn and understand how Love is the energy that sustains the universe, and if your interest is piqued by chapter titles like ‘The Resurrection Journey’ and ‘Transformation and Contemplation,’ please treat yourself to this book. It will transform your vision and, as Rohr says throughout the book, you will never be lonely again!

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