
Psalm 62. For God alone my soul in silence waits...he alone is my rock and my salvation.
The first vow in our Discipleship Group common practice list is to pray.
By God's grace, I will set aside time regularly for prayer, "praying to God in secret (Mt. 6.6) working toward twenty minutes a day."
Each week when we check in and discuss how well we have attended to each practice, we all wonder if we have really spent enough time in prayer. (Such is the human condition!) We share about our busy days, our interruptions and our need for sleep.
When I saw this picture, I was immediately reminded of this vow. This is a picture that speaks a thousand words...or asks a thousand questions!
Where could I stop in the busy ness of my day to pray?
What personal needs to I tend to before I stop to pray?
When do I pray in public, and if never why not?
What would it be like to kneel in a subway station with all your worldly possessions and pray?
This picture says Peace in a new and different way! May we all find this peace in our prayer.