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Happy New Year A 2

The Revised Common Lectionary RCL is a three year guide to scripture reading for Christians Sunday worship. Today, the First Sunday of Advent and the new year in the seasons of the church, begins Year A. The Daily Office readings, which are the scripture readings that go with daily worship, are divided in two years and this is Year 2! Thus Happy New Year A2!!!

All of that said, here we are on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2019. and how is this different from all other days? Some questions we might ask ourselves as we "wait again for the first time" for the yearly celebration of the birth of the Messiah are:

1. Where do you notice the Spirit stirring in the midst of deep silence and stillness?

2. How are you being invited to wait with patience and faith for new life to emerge?

3. What might God be conceiving within you now, allowing you to be a vessel of the Divine or a host of the incarnate?

(from Sacred Ordinary Days 2019 - 2020)

The Lectionary Readings for today include:

Isaiah 2. 1 - 5

Psalm 122

Romans 13.11-14

Matthew 24. 36-44

Here is a link to them if you would like to read them online.

Let's read, mark and inwardly digest them this week, reflecting on the questions above as we go.

First task is to find deep silence and stillness so we can notice the Spirit!

Happy New Year and First Sunday of Advent!

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