A New Church in Town

Mark 6. 1 - 13
He called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits.
When I was young, I always noticed this little white house around the corner from the Winn Dixie in my little town. Until recently, it was pretty shabby, and it had the symbol below on the front door. With time, I learned it was the local AA meeting house, and I envisioned a place where alcoholics gathered smoking and drinking coffee and talking about trying to get sober or stay sober.
Recently someone I love found his way to that little white building, and what goes on in there has transformed his life. As another friend who went to AA said, "It's like church!" I agree. The Twelve Steps are the creed, the Twelve Traditions are the canon laws, and the Big Book is the Bible! The looks on the faces of men and women who believe in God as worshiped and prayed to in this church shine with grace and glory.
I have known AA members for years and have respected them for their good work. But I have never fully appreciated what happens in those groups, nor have I appreciated the network that makes meetings available all day and all night wherever people are who need them. I also have not fully realized what a deeply spiritual approach to recovery AA is, so much so that I might call it a religion, a church of the very best kind. It is one of the finest examples of what St. Francis supposedly said, "Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary use words."
If anyone would like to know more about it, please contact me. Like the Gospel, it is Good News too great not to share.
