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Rooted and Grounded

...that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. Ephesians 3. 14 - 21

Yesterday as I was driving home down the main street of my town, I noticed out of the corner of my eye the word Rooted in large letters on the side of a building. It was big and bold enough to catch my eye, but I had to squint to see what it said under it...marriage conference, it said.

Thinking about the strength of our roots and some relationships I know to be struggling, I savored that image of the essence of rootedness, particularly that those roots be grounded in love. Our little town is filled with massive oak trees, sometimes called cathedrals of the natural world, and they can live for 150 - 250 years. They fall and die for various reasons, but it rarely has anything to do with their root system. I have seen several trees fall with their massive root systems perfectly intact, pulled completely out of the ground and rising 10 - 15ft into the air. Oh that the roots of our relationships could be that intact.

When I read this lesson today, I was reminded of how essential it is that the roots of our relationships burrow down into the earth, reaching their source, the Core of Creation, the Love of God. As the letter to Ephesians says, let us be rooted and grounded in love in all of our relationships so that our roots stand strong and tall for the world to see. What a great way to evangelize and spread the Gospel of Love.

"I wonder"...what relationship in my life needs deeper roots grounded in the Love of God?

PS. The Rooted marriage conference is at The Springs Church in Orange Park on Friday and Saturday, February 14 - 15 if you are interested!


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