Speak your pain
Then Job answered:
2 ‘O that my vexation were weighed,
and all my calamity laid in the balances!
3 For then it would be heavier than the sand of the sea;
therefore my words have been rash. Job 6. 1 - 4
As we work through the book of Job, I am reminded of my beloved CT's pain and her journey with it. (See Sunday's Pilgrims' Journeys) Her struggle with pain has been debilitating, but Dean Kate's meditation this morning reminded me that CT did just what Job did...she spoke her pain, she cried in the face of the doctors and nurses as if to say if you weighed my pain it would be heavier that the sand of the sea! And by naming it, she brought it to life for them, and they responded.
To use her very own words reflecting on Susanna Gunner's sermon from Sunday:
"Henry's story mirrors today's Lay Eucharistic visit. I think the ashes from the cigarette become the ashes of who I once was.. ready and waiting now to bow to the cross anchored in this time of transformation .
You give me hope .
What gift is more precious than that !
Susanna quoted what I feel upon receiving communion
'It roots Me into the presence of Christ...recharges me'
And so it is on this beautiful Sunday..having received the body and blood of salvation."
Be sure to listen to the devotion below for an even deeper understanding of the importance of speaking your pain.