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Waiting...between the Source and the Ending

There is a lovely book called Light upon Light published in 2014 which I always seem to find on my shelf this time of year. Compiled by Sarah Arthur, it is a "literary and spiritual feast" to help you live fully into the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, especially if you have a passion for fiction and poetry.

The first chapter entitled "Begin with a Change," guides the reader through stories and meditations about this season of Waiting beginning with the beautiful poem below by Aurelius Prudentius a Roman who lived from AD 338 to 415. Set to music, it is one of my very favorite Advent hymns, and this year as I listen to it again for the first time, I hear the words that remind me of this season of waiting...between the Source and the Ending. The original poem was translated and embellished by hymn writer John Mason Neale in the 19th century.

I hope you can find a pause in your day to sit quietly and listen to this beautiful piece of music, savoring the season of Waiting, casting away the darkness and putting on the armor of Light.


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