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What is your leavening agent?

To what should I compare the kingdom of God?  It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed in with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened. Luke 13. 20 – 21


Several groups I am in have recently been discussing the Kingdom of God/Heaven and what it is like, where it is, when it will come. Years ago, priests I have known and loved taught me that in this life there are little heavens, little hells, little judgments, little deaths and little resurrections. That understanding of life on earth has always helped me to understand what Jesus meant when he said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is now.” The little snippets that Jesus gives in the gospels also help to understand that kingdom…for example the one above. The kingdom of God is like yeast, like a leavening agent is to flour which turns it into bread!

Turning Jesus’ words into life application, I wonder what my leavening agents are? What helps me rise to the expectation, the call, the full understanding of the Kingdom of God? Though fleeting, I can say there have been moments in my life when I sensed a oneness with the Kingdom, sometimes in music, nature, worship and friendship.

What is your leavening agent? What does it need to be mixed with to turn you into something as yummy and satisfying as a fresh warm loaf of bread? With whom can you share that beautiful creation?


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