Zoom Midwifery
Christian life is a commitment to love, to give birth to God in one’s own life and to become midwives of divinity in this evolving cosmos. We are to be wholemakers of love in a world of change. —Ilia Delio
In the last year, I have been a part of oodles of different small groups and three different congregations. We have read, marked, learned and inwardly digested the stories of the people of God, care for creation, art, literature, discipleship and racial reconciliation. We have formed close relationships, shared our stories of joys and sadness and ended up here towards the end of pandemic as the Body of Christ in a new and different shape and form.
Ilia Delio's words above reminded me that we made a commitment to love each other in these groups, despite the pandemic and the fact that we were never able to see each other in person. It also reminded me that we gave birth to God in each other's lives, in fact we were "midwives of divinity" in our ever changing worlds, despite all the unknowns and fears of a year of pandemic.
I cannot foresee a time when these groups will stop meeting. We are in different countries, different states, different cities, and yet we have become "wholemakers of love in a world of change" despite the great geographical differences.
We have been held together by the Love of God in Christ, and if you are in one of those groups, I send you great thanks from a deep place in my soul for having been apart of our zoom midwifery community.